Faculty and Staff APR Instructions

Viewing a Student's Academic Progress Report (APR)

To view a student's Academic Progress Report (APR), navigate to the student's academic profile by searching for the student in the Workday search bar. 

Once you have navigated to the student's academic profile, select Academics on the left side of the Workday screen.

Image of navigation to Academics page on Workday's student profile.

Select Academic Progress at the top of the page to navigate to the APR.

Image of top of screen navigation to Academic Progress Report on Workday student profile

Each of the student's declared programs of study will appear at the top of the APR.  A progress wheel (or donut) will appear next to each of the declared programs showing the number of academic requirements satisfied for the program. 

The Last Evaluated date lists when the APR was last launched and refreshed with updated student information.  APRs are refreshed nightly or immediately following an update to a student's program of study, academic plan or grades, or when a student drops a course. 

Image of Last Evaluated Date on Academic Progress Report

Each program of study will have its own section of the APR, which includes a filterable table that lists all academic requirements for the program of study.  At the top right corner of the table, you can select to export, expand the table or view the table in a different format.   

Image of the top of a POS table on the Academic Progress Report


At the bottom right corner of the table, you are able to select the number of academic requirements viewed per page and navigate to the next page of the table.


Image of the bottom of the POS table on the Academic Progress Report

Launching a Student's Academic Progress Report (APR)

To refresh the APR to reflect updates to a student's academic information, you will want to launch the student's APR.  You will only be able to launch the APR for students who are assigned to you as advisees. 

From the student's profile, click on the Actions button on the left side of the Workday screen, move your cursor over the Advising menu, and select Launch Academic Progress Evaluation.

Image of launching the Academic Progress Report from the Workday student profile

Advisors with assigned students are also able to launch an individual student's APR from their Academic Advising Dashboard.  From your Advisee List, click on the related actions button next the student's name.  Move your cursor over the Advising menu and select Launch Academic Progress Evaluation.

Image of launching Academic Progress Report from advisee list

The student's name will automatically fill in the Student box.  Check Confirm and click Okay to launch the student's APR. 

Image of task window for launching Academic Progress Report from advisee list

A link to the Launch Academic Progress Evaluation task is also on the Planning and Progress tab of the Academic Advising Dashboard.  To run the task, click the Launch Academic Progress link under the Academic Progress Report (APR) section of the page.

Launch Academic Progress Evaluation on Academic Advising Dashboard

Select the radial button next to Student and enter the student's name or ID number in the Student box.  Check Confirm and click Okay to launch the student's APR.     

Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student

While discussing with students potential changes to their program of study, including adding a different program or changing the primary program of study, the Evaulate Academic Requirements for Student task will run a "what if" Academic Progress Report (APR).  This "what if" APR can show students the academic requirements for potential programs of study and how their current coursework could apply to those academic requirements.

A link to the Evaulate Academic Requirements for Student task is on the Planning and Progress tab of the Academic Advising Dashboard.  To run the task, click the Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student link under the "What If" Academic Progress Report (APR) section of the page.  

Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student on Academic Advising Dashboard

Enter the student's name or ID number in the Student box and click Okay.

In the Evaluate Programs of Study table, input the desired program of study information.  If you wish to change the effective date (catalog year) for the student, select Program of study Configuration Date in the Requirements Effective Date column.  Update the date to the standard start date of the effective date you want to select.

Image of Evaluate Programs of Study table in Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student task

Once you click OK, the APR will process and a box with a link to view the "what if" APR will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. 

You will also be able to view recent evaluated programs for a student from the View Evaluated Academic Requirements for Student link from the Planning and Progress tab of the Academic Advising Dashboard.

View Evaluated Academic Requirements for Student on Advising Dashboard

Enter the student's name or ID number in the Student box.  In the Program of Study drop box, the most recently evaluated program of studies will appear.  Select the program of study you want to view and click OK.          

Image of View Evaluated Academic Requirements task window