Department Contacts
Dept Name | Dept Abbreviation | Last | First | Phone # | |
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | ABE | McCarty | Ben | 294-4087 | |
Animal Ecology | AECL | Burnett | John | 294-3681 | |
Apparel, Merchandising and Design | AMD | Kelber | Ashley | 294-2695 | |
Athletic Training | ATR | Lipsey | Holly | 294-8131 | |
Accounting - Graduate | ACCT - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Accounting - Undergraduate | ACCT - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Actuarial Science | ACSCI | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Advertising - Primary | ADVRT - Primary | Hutchcroft | Julia | 294-4455 | |
Advertising | ADVRT | Boyles | Jan | 294-0484 | |
Aerospace Engineering | AERE | Gupta | Nikki | 294-3776 | |
Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management | AESHM | Kelber | Ashley | 294-2695 | |
African and African American Studies | AFAM | Hill | Kevin | 294-7386 | |
Air Force Aerospace Studies | AFAS | Schmalzried | Tina | 294-1716 | |
Agricultural Education and Studies | AGEDS | Chamberlain | Ben | 294-4655 | |
Agronomy | AGRON | Desjean | Kevin | 294-4161 | |
American Indian Studies | AMIN | Randall | Emily | 294-7256 | |
Animal Science - Primary | ANS - Primary | Sterle | Jodi | 294-7997 | |
Animal Science | ANS | Wubben | Jen | 294-3161 | |
Anthropology | ANTHR | Myers | Megan | 294-2306 | |
Architecture - Primary | ARCH - Primary | Hirschman | Samantha | 294-2557 | |
Architecture | ARCH | Knoll | Karolyn | 294-6743 | |
Art History | ARTH | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
Art Education | ARTED | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
Graphic Design | ARTGR | Kepler | Hope | 294-4665 | |
Interior Design | ARTID | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
Integrated Studio Arts | ARTIS | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
American Sign Language | ASL | Myers | Megan | 294-2306 | |
Astronomy and Astrophysics - Primary | ASTRO - Primary | Kerton | Charles | 294-2298 | |
Astronomy and Astrophysics | ASTRO | Osgood | Reagan | 294-5440 | |
Athletics | ATH | Lipsey | Holly | 294-8131 | |
Biomedical Engineering - Primary | BME - Primary | Schneider | Ian | 294-0450 | |
Biomedical Engineering | BME | Vosseller | Jessie | 294-3725 | |
Biomedical Sciences | BMS | Smith | Casey | 294-2440 | |
Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration - Primary | BPMI - Primary | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration | BPMI | Owens | Jennifer | 294-9418 | |
Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology - Primary | BBMB - Primary | Ghimire | Shobhana | 294-6116 | |
Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology | BBMB | Horrell | Meredith | 294-2226 | |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCB) | BCB | Harris | Carla | 294-5122 | |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCBIO) - Primary | BCBIO - Primary | Ghimire | Shobhana | 294-6116 | |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCBIO) | BCBIO | Jones | Danise | 294-2687 | |
Biology | BIOL | Manz | Allison | 294-1064 | |
Biological Systems Engineering | BSE | McCarty | Ben | 294-4087 | |
Business Administration - Graduate | BUSAD - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Business Administration - Undergraduate | BUSAD - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Civil Engineering - Primary | CE - Primary | Levendusky | Jenna | 294-9926 | |
Civil Engineering | CE | Qvale | Nancy | 294-1676 | |
Criminal Justice | CJ | Burlingame | Rachel | 294-2506 | |
Community and Regional Planning | CRP | Knoll | Karolyn | 294-6743 | |
Chemical Engineering - Primary | CHE - Primary | Heinen | Jen | 294-1891 | |
Chemical Engineering | CHE | Vigil | Dennis | 294-6533 | |
Chemistry | CHEM | Wade | Adam | 294-6361 | |
Classical Studies | CLST | Myers | Megan | 294-2306 | |
Communication Disorders | CMDIS | Dodd | Joan | 294-4477 | |
Computer Science | COMS | Vanderbroek | Liese | 294-4378 | |
Community Development | COMDV | Jones | Jena | 294-9985 | |
Communication Studies - Primary | COMST - Primary | Nguyen | Kaleb | 294-0360 | |
Communication Studies | COMST | Cooney | Rose | 294-5969 | |
Construction Engineering - Primary | CONE | Levendusky | Jenna | 294-9926 | |
Construction Engineering | CONE | Qvale | Nancy | 294-1676 | |
Computer Engineering | CPRE | Prouty | Tina | 294-7282 | |
Cyber Security | CYBSC | Jacobson | Doug | 294-8307 | |
Cyber Security Engineering | CYBE | Prouty | Tina | 294-7282 | |
Data Science | DS | Hamilton | Stephanie | 294-6471 | |
Dance | DANCE | Lipsey | Holly | 294-8009 | |
Design | DES | Hirschman | Samantha | 294-2257 | |
Dietetics | DIET | Francis | Sarah | 294-1456 | |
Design Studies | DSNS | Hirschman | Samantha | 294-2257 | |
Early Childcare Education and Programming | ECP | Figueroa | Gilda | 294-7471 | |
Electrical Engineering | EE | Prouty | Tina | 294-7282 | |
Engineering Mechanics | EM | Gupta | Nikki | 294-3776 | |
Early Childhood and Family Policy | ECFP | Figueroa | Gilda | 294-7471 | |
Economics | ECON | Flaming | Billie | 294-6740 | |
Educational Administration | EDADM | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
Education | EDUC | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | EEB | Edsall | Lynette | 294-1191 | |
Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology | EEOB | Clarahan | Angela | 294-0132 | |
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies | ELPS | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
English | ENGL | Schaefer | Stacie | 294-6229 | |
English - Freshman | ENGL - Freshman | Miller | Candy | 294-3516 | |
Engineering | ENGR | Castleberry | Paul | 294-0364 | |
Environmental Science - Graduate | ENSCI - Grad | Edsall | Lynette | 294-1191 | |
Environmental Science - Undergraduate | ENSCI - Undergrad | Manz | Allison | 294-1064 | |
Entomology | ENT | Moore | Donna | 294-1160 | |
Entrepreneurship - Graduate | ENTSP - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Entrepreneurship - Undergraduate | ENTSP - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Environmental Engineering | ENVE | Levendusky | Jenna | 294-9926 | |
Environmental Studies | ENVS | Manz | Allison | 294-3523 | |
Event Management | EVENT | Kelber | Ashley | 294-2695 | |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies | FCEDS | McCunn | Mary Jane | 294-6052 | |
Family Financial Planning | FFP | Figueroa | Gilda | 294-7471 | |
Finance - Graduate | FIN - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Finance - Undergraduate | FIN - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Forestry | FOR | Burnett | John | 294-3681 | |
Food Science and Human Nutrition | FSHN | Miller | Sarah | 294-2321 | |
Genetics, Development and Cell Biology - Primary | GDCB - Primary | Ghimire | Shobhana | 294-6116 | |
Genetics, Development and Cell Biology | GDCB | Jones | Danise | 294-2687 | |
Genetics - Primary | GEN - Primary | Ghimire | Shobhana | 294-6116 | |
Genetics (GEN) | GEN | Jones | Danise | 294-2687 | |
Genetics (GENET) | GENET | Harris | Carla | 294-5122 | |
Geology | GEOL | Dodd | Joan | 294-4477 | |
Gerontology | GERON | Margrett | Jennifer | 294-3028 | |
Global Resource Systems | GLOBE | Chung | Amanda | 294-6025 | |
Graduate Studies | GRST | Black | Monica | 294-0794 | |
Graduate Studies (GRST 5400 - English for Teaching Purposes) | GRST 5400 | Compton | Lily | 294-7996 | |
Health Studies | HS | Lipsey | Holly | 294-8009 | |
Health and Human Sciences | HHSCI |
Human Computer Interaction | HCI | Kayser | Tiffany | 294-2089 | |
Healthcare Management - Graduate | HCM - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Healthcare Management - Undergraduate | HCM - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Human Development and Family Studies | HDFS | McCunn | Mary Jane | 294-6052 | |
Higher Education | HGED | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
History | HIST | Hill | Kevin | 294-7386 | |
Honors | HON | Law | Laurie | 294-4371 | |
Horticulture | HORT | Hein | Kathy | 294-5852 | |
Hospitality Management | HSPM | Kelber | Ashley | 294-2695 | |
Industrial Engineering | IE | Popejoy-Sheriff | Devna | 294-1603 | |
Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies | IGS | Stolt | Melissa | 294-1170 | |
Immunobiology | IMBIO | Harris | Carla | 294-5122 | |
Industrial Design | INDD | Kepler | Hope | 294-4665 | |
Information Assurance | INFAS | Jacobson | Doug | 294-8307 | |
International Studies | INTST | Bailey | Michael | 294-4046 | |
Journalism and Mass Communication - Primary | JLMC - Primary | Hutchcroft | Julia | 294-4455 | |
Journalism and Mass Communication | JLMC | Boyles | Jan | 294-0484 | |
Kinesiology | KIN | Lipsey | Holly | 294-8131 | |
Landscape Architecture | LA | Knoll | Karolyn | 294-6743 | |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | LAS | Slagell | Amy | 294-7270 | |
Leadership Studies - Primary | LDST - Primary | Nguyen | Kaleb | 294-0360 | |
Leadership Studies | LDST | Cooney | Rose | 294-5969 | |
Library - Primary | LIB - Primary | Garretson | Kate | 294-0448 | |
Library | LIB | Marupova | Rano | 294-7129 | |
Linguistics | LING | Schaefer | Stacie | 294-6229 | |
Learning and Leadership Sciences | LLS | Thompson | Jan | 294-0024 | |
Mechanical Engineering | ME | Helfrick | Breanna | 294-0368 | |
Military Science | MS | Stewart | Traci | 294-1852 | |
Materials Science and Engineering - Primary | MSE - Primary | Ross | Stacey | 294-0080 | |
Materials Science and Engineering | MSE | Klocke | Andrea | 294-0891 | |
Materials Engineering - Primary | MATE - Primary | Klocke | Andrea | 294-0891 | |
Materials Engineering | MATE | Dunlay-Lott | Holly | 294-5713 | |
Mathematics | MATH | Stines | Elijah | 294-6405 | |
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology | MCDB | Harris | Carla | 294-5122 | |
Management - Graduate | MGMT - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Management - Undergraduate | MGMT - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Microbiology - Undergraduate | MICRO - Undergrad | Funaba | Sachiko | 294-1630 | |
Microbiology - Graduate | MICRO - Grad | Moore | Donna | 294-1160 | |
Management Information Systems - Graduate | MIS - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Management Information Systems - Undergraduate | MIS - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Marketing - Graduate | MKT - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Marketing - Undergraduate | MKT - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Meteorology | MTEOR | Dodd | Joan | 294-4477 | |
Music | MUSIC | Giles | Sonja | 294-2786 | |
Naval Science | NS | Radke | Susan | 294-6050 | |
Neuroscience | NEURO | Emery | Brenda | 294-6442 | |
Natural Resource Ecology and Management | NREM | Burnett | John | 294-3681 | |
Nursing | NRS | Miller | Sarah | 294-2321 | |
Nutritional Sciences | NUTRS | Miller | Sarah | 294-2321 | |
Organization for Tropical Studies | OTS | Robinson | Natalie | 294-5020 | |
Public Relations - Primary | PR - Primary | Hutchcroft | Julia | 294-4455 | |
Public Relations | PR | Boyles | Jan | 294-0484 | |
Performing Arts | PERF | Dell | Brad | 294-0184 | |
Philosophy | PHIL | Burns | Susan | 294-7276 | |
Physics - Primary | PHYS - Primary | Osgood | Reagan | 294-5440 | |
Physics | PHYS | Fretwell | Helen | 294-2607 | |
Plant Pathology - Primary | PLP - Primary | Moore | Donna | 294-1160 | |
Plant Pathology | PLP | Nguyen | Dai | 294-9052 | |
Plant Biology | PLBIO | Nguyen | Dai | 294-9052 | |
Political Science - Primary | POLS - Primary | Randall | Emily | 294-7256 | |
Political Science | POLS | Tuckness | Alex | 294-8910 | |
Psychology - Primary | PSYCH - Primary | Wade | Nathaniel | 294-1455 | |
Psychology | PSYCH | Dodd | Joan | 294-4477 | |
Religious Studies | RELIG | Burns | Susan | 294-7276 | |
Research and Evaluation | RESEV | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
Software Engineering - Primary | SE | Follett | Jason | 294-9067 | |
Software Engineering | SE | Luban | Dekel | 515-294-1046 | |
Supply Chain Management - Graduate | SCM - Grad | Greenfield | Lacy | 294-8118 | |
Supply Chain Management - Undergraduate | SCM - Undergrad | Wageman | John | 294-9382 | |
Sociology | SOC | Burlingame | Rachel | 294-2506 | |
Speech Communication | SPCM | Schaefer | Stacie | 294-6229 | |
Special Education | SPED | Stow | Shelley | 294-9531 | |
Sports Media and Communication - Primary | SMC - Primary | Hutchcroft | Julia | 294-4455 | |
Statistics | STAT | Riker | Denise | 294-1076 | |
Seed Technology and Business | STB | Youngberg | Lori | 294-9137 | |
Study Abroad | STUDY ABROAD | Hogan | Jennifer | 294-8275 | |
Sustainable Environments | SUSE | Kepler | Hope | 294-4665 | |
Sustainable Agriculture | SUSAG | Edsall | Lynette | 294-1191 | |
Theatre and Performing Arts | THTRE | Dell | Brad | 294-0184 | |
Toxicology | TOX | Smith | Casey | 294-2440 | |
Transportation Services - Primary | TRANS - Primary | Levenduskey | Jenna | 294-9926 | |
Transportation Services | TRANS | Qvale | Nancy | 294-1676 | |
Technology Systems Management - Primary | TSM - Primary | McCarty | Ben | 294-4087 | |
Technology Systems Management | TSM | Mosher | Gretchen | 294-6416 | |
University Studies | UST | Sutton | Lori | 294-7184 | |
Urban Design | URBD | Kepler | Hope | 294-4665 | |
U.S. Latino/a Studies Program - Primary | USLS - Primary | Bailey | Michael | 294-4046 | |
U.S. Latino/a Studies Program | USLS | Myers | Megan | 294-2306 | |
Veterinary Clinical Sciences | VCS | Jedlicka | Megan | 294-1764 | |
Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine | VMPM | Krock | Tammy | 294-3386 | |
Veterinary Pathology | VPTH | Hibbs | Krista | 294-3282 | |
Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine | VDPAM | Petersen | Chloe | 294-3837 | |
World Film Studies | WFS | Myers | Megan | 294-2306 | |
Wind Energy Science, Engineering, and Policy - Primary | WESEP - Primary | Thorland-Oster | Vicky | 294-8778 | |
Wind Energy Science, Engineering, and Policy | WESEP | Jackman | John | 294-0126 | |
Women's and Gender Studies - Primary | WGS - Primary | Nguyen | Kaleb | 294-0360 | |
Women's and Gender Studies | WGS | Cooney | Rose | 294-5969 | |
Women in Science and Engineering | WISE | Hartman | Beth | 294-3286 | |
World Languages and Cultures | WLC | Krase-Cayton | Lori | 294-4910 | |
Youth Development | YTH | Figueroa | Gilda | 294-7471 |