Our Mission

Mission Statement
The Office of the Registrar at Iowa State University supports the instructional and student progress endeavors of the University by providing quality services to students, faculty, academic and administrative departments, alumni, and the public.
Vision Statement
The Office of the Registrar, a unit within the Academic Affairs Division,
strives to be an office that:
- develops and implements policies and procedures to assure the integrity, security, and preservation of each student's official academic record.
- provides the highest quality services to students, faculty, staff and the public in a courteous and professional manner.
- encourages suggestions and ideas from its customers for improving the quality and efficiency of its services.
- respects and values employees, promotes a positive and stimulating work environment for them, and seeks to develop their individual potential.
- evaluates and utilizes the latest technology to meet the needs of its customers and staff.
- is recognized by its peers and customers as a national leader in carrying out the office's mission.