Verification Letter Request

The Office of the Registrar provides verification letters (also known as proof of enrollment) for loan deferments, insurance companies, potential employers, scholarships, schools, and other entities that need a student's enrollment verified for a particular period of time. The Office of the Registrar may also provide information such as: grade point average, course delievery mode, and anticipated degree/graduation date. 

To verify your enrollment status at ISU, you need to be registered in courses prior to the request. Full-time/part-time status is based on the number of credits in which you are registered or enrolled.

To Make a Request

If you only need to verify enrollment at Iowa State Univeristy or verify a degree, consider requesting a self service letter from the National Student Clearinghouse

If you need more information than National Student Clearinghouse can provide, request a Verification Letter within Workday.  Use this link to Create a Request, then select 'Enrollment Verification' from the list. Complete the form and we will process your request in 3-5 business days. You can attach any associated forms or documents needed with your request within Workday. 

If you do not have access Workday, download and complete the form and send to the Office of the Registrar in one of the following methods:

  • e-mail the Verification Request Letter form and attachments (if applicable) to
  • fax to (515) 686-6022 
  • return to 010 Enrollment Services Center
  • mail to

Office of the Registrar

010 Enrollment Services Center

2433 Union Dr.

Ames, IA 50011-2042

Delivery Options

We can deliver Enrollment Verification letters in one of three ways. 

  • Cybox Delivery | We will send a PDF of your letter to your email address.
  • Pickup in 010 Enrollment Services Center | We will send an email letting you know when your letter is ready for pickup. Bring a photo ID with you to pickup your letter. Consult the email or our home page to check for office hours.
  • Mail to third party | We will print and mail your letter to an indicated indivudal or organization. Allow an additional 5 business days for letters to be sent USPS, or 31 business days for international mail.  


If you have additional questions about your request, send us an email at