Experimental Courses 2021-2022, P-Z



P R 323X. Strategic Communication in Agriculture and the Environment . (Cross-listed with AGEDS 323X). Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: ENGL 250; junior classification . Effective communication of agricultural and environmental issues. Analysis of attitudes, advocacy, stakeholder engagement, and impacts on individual and societal choices. Application in the domains of public relations, mass media, and popular culture.

P R 324X. Brand Storytelling. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: JL MC 201. Combining critical journalism skills with persuasive tactics of public relations and advertising to tell inspiring brand stories. Introduction to transmedia storytelling that tells compelling stories shared with and by diverse audiences.

PHIL 410X. Soul, Mind, and World in Ancient Greek Philosophy. (Cross-listed with CL ST 410X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: At least 6 credits of Philosophy or Classical Studies. Prominent theories of soul and mind developed by Greek philosophers in the classical period (roughly 500 BCE-200 CE).Special attention paid to the ways these thinkers locate their psychological theories within their general metaphysical views, for example the way Aristotle locates his theory of soul and body within his general theory of form and matter.The primary goal is to understand these theories on their own terms but among the issues to be covered are several of continuing interest in philosophy, such as the relationship between mind and body and the possibility of weakness of the will.Philosophers to be studied include Plato, Aristotle, and some of their predecessors and successors.

PHIL 435X. Contemporary Political Philosophy. (Cross-listed with POL S 435X; dual-listed with PHIL 535). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: 6 credits of philosophy or social science. Examination of theories of justice proposed by contemporary political philosophers. Analysis of the philosophical foundations of perspectives such as liberalism, libertarianism, communitarianism, socialism, feminism. Normative assessments of socio-political institutions.

PHYS 131X. General Physics I. (4-0) Cr. 4. F.S.SS. Prereqs: 1 1/2 years of high school algebra, 1 year of geometry, 1 semester of trigonometry. General background in physical concepts, principles, and methods for those who do not plan advanced study in physics or engineering. Mechanics, fluids, heat and thermodynamics, vibrations, waves, sound. PHYS 111 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 131X and PHYS 131LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 131LX. General Physics I Laboratory. (0-2) Cr. 1. F.S.SS. Prereqs: 1 1/2 years of high school algebra, 1 year of geometry, 1 semester of trigonometry. Credit or enrollment in PHYS 131X. Laboratory experiments in elementary kinematics, work and energy, conservation laws, rotational motion, waves and fluids. PHYS 111 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 131X and PHYS 131LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 132X. General Physics II. (4-0) Cr. 4. F.S.SS. Prereqs: PHYS 131X. General background in physical concepts, principles, and methods for those who do not plan advanced study in physics or engineering. Electricity and magnetism, ray and wave optics, topics in modern physics. PHYS 112 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 132X and PHYS 132LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 132LX. General Physics II Laboratory. (0-2) Cr. 1. F.S.SS. Prereqs: Credit or enrollment in PHYS 132X. Laboratory experiments in Electricity and Magnetism, Wave and Optics. PHYS 112 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 132X and PHYS 132LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 231X. Introduction to Classical Physics I. (4-0). Cr. 4.  F.S.SS. Prereqs: Proficiency in algebra, trigonometry, vector manipulation, and topics covered in MATH 165, and credit or enrollment in MATH 166. For engineering and science majors. 3 hours of lecture each week plus 3 recitations every two weeks. Elementary mechanics including kinematics and dynamics of particles, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, conservation laws, rotational motion, oscillations, gravitation. Heat, thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases; waves and sound. PHYS 221 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 231X, PHYS 231HX, and PHYS 231LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 231HX. Introduction to Classical Physics I: Honors. (4-0). Cr. 4.  F.S.SS. Prereqs: Proficiency in algebra, trigonometry, vector manipulation, and topics covered in MATH 165, and credit or enrollment in MATH 166. For engineering and science majors. 3 hours of lecture each week plus 3 recitations every two weeks. Elementary mechanics including kinematics and dynamics of particles, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, conservation laws, rotational motion, oscillations, gravitation. Heat, thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases; waves and sound. PHYS 221 will be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 231X, PHYS 231HX, and PHYS 231LX may be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 231LX. Introduction to Classical Physics I Laboratory. (0-2) Cr 1. F.S.SS. Prereqs: Proficiency in algebra, trigonometry, vector manipulation, and topics covered in MATH 165, and credit or enrollment in MATH 166. Credit or enrollment in PHYS 231X. Laboratory experiments in elementary kinematics, work and energy, conservation laws, and rotational motion. PHYS 221 may be taught for the last time in Spring 2021; PHYS 231X, PHYS 231HX and PHYS 231LX will be offered beginning Summer 2021.

PHYS 422X. Foundations of Quantum Computing. (Dual-listed with PHYS 522X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: MATH 207 or MATH 317, or equivalent with permission of instructor. Overview of quantum computation and quantum information processing from a physics perspective. Introduction to classical computation; primer on quantum mechanics; quantum circuits and quantum algorithms; physical realizations; applications and near-term quantum algorithms.

PHYS 522X. Foundations of Quantum Computing. (Dual-listed with PHYS 422X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: MATH 207 or MATH 317, or equivalent with permission of instructor. Overview of quantum computation and quantum information processing from a physics perspective. Introduction to classical computation; primer on quantum mechanics; quantum circuits and quantum algorithms; physical realizations; applications and near-term quantum algorithms.

PL P 495X. Plant Pathology Travel Course Preparation. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Irr. Prereqs: Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Grad classification. GPA 2.0 or higher. Topics include preparation for safe international travel, agricultural production and associated diseases, as well as the country's history and culture. Students enroll in this course the term immediately before travel to the foreign country for PL P 496X.

PL P 496X. Plant Pathology Travel Course. Cr. 1-3. SS. Prereq: PL P 495X. Agricultural production in unique regions of the world. Visit farms, industries and educational institutions for hands-on classes, tours, food tasting, and social interactions with students, researchers , farmers and business people. Location and duration of the travel will vary.

PSYCH 221X. Clinical Psychology. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: PSYCH 101. Overview of the field of clinical psychology. Readings, small group work, class discussion, lectures, and videos to describe the field of clinical psychology.

POL S 230X. Foundations of American Legal and Political Practices. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Principles of governance and of law in the American system, including the foundation of public freedom, public happiness, political power, the rule of law, and the philosophy and practices of jurisprudence in criminal and civil law. Only one of POL S 230X or POL S 319 may count toward graduation.

POL S 237X. Introduction to Political Theory. (3-0) Cr. 3. Introduction to normative theories of politics; history of thought about and major thinkers of political relations. Liberalism, conservatism, socialism, authoritarianism, and the social contract.

POL S 379X. Chinese Foreign Policy. (3-0). Cr. 3. Theory and practice of contemporary Chinese foreign relations. External implications of China's economic and security policies. Great-power rivalry; Chinese relations with the United States, neighboring states, other regions, and international organizations.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

POL S 435X. Contemporary Political Philosophy. (Cross-listed with PHIL 435X; dual-listed with POL S 535). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: 6 credits of philosophy or social science. Examination of theories of justice proposed by contemporary political philosophers. Analysis of the philosophical foundations of perspectives such as liberalism, libertarianism, communitarianism, socialism, feminism. Normative assessments of socio-political institutions.

POL S 443X. Energy Policy. (Dual-listed with POL S 543X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Junior classification. Energy policies and related social, environmental, and political issues. Energy problems and the impact of energy policies.

POL S 543X. Energy Policy. (Dual-listed with POL S 443X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Junior classification. Energy policies and related social, environmental, and political issues. Energy problems and the impact of energy policies.

PSYCH 589X. Systems Neuroscience: Brain, Behavior, and Nutrition-Related Integrative Physiology. (Cross-listed with FS HN 589X, GERON 589X, NEURO 589X, NUTRS 589X). (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereqs: Graduate standing, or undergraduate with consent of instructor. Structural, functional, and biochemical aspects of brain and non-motor behavior across the human lifespan. Types of neuroimaging used to assess the brain. Current research is leveraged to gauge how nutrition, diseases related to nutrition, and associated physiological processes influence the brain, particularly for common developmental, psychological, and neurological disorders.

PSYCH 594PX. Quantitative Behavioral Methods: Systematic Review. (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereqs: PSYCH 501 or equivalent. Specialized quantitative methods for social and behavioral research problems.




RELIG 215X. Religion and Popular Culture. (3-0) Cr. 3. Utilize the skills of the academic study of religion (bracketing, close reading, comparison, and critical thinking) to learn about religion in popular culture and how popular culture functions as a religion in modern society. Analysis of select films.

RELIG 349X. Cognitive Science of Religion. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Minimum of 3 credits in RELIG ST or ENGL 250 or PSYCH 101. Using case studies from the world’s religions, this course examines cross-culturally occurring forms of religious expression in light of humanistic and scientific researches in the cognitive science of religion (CSR). Topics may include beliefs in god and other supernatural beings, afterlife beliefs, morality, rituals, and religious experiences, among others.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

RELIG 389X. Exhibiting Religion. (3-0). Cr. 3. Display of religion in museums, fairs, and exhibitions. History and ethics of museum collecting, storage, display, public engagement, and repatriation. Visit local museums and explore digital galleries.


S E 186X. Problem Solving in Software Engineering II. (0-2) Cr. 1 Prereq: S E 185. Group projects in software engineering. Work effectively in teams to solve problems and provide technical reports and presentations. Self-directed team based projects that are representative of problems faced by software engineers.

S E 422X. Cloud Computing - Software Development. (3-0). Cr 3.Prereq: S E 309 or S E 339 AND CPR E 381 or COM S 321. A comprehensive view of cloud computing with respect to software development from platforms and services to programming and infrastructure. Virtualization and containerization; cloud computing platforms, with examples from currently available cloud services; cloud services for data analytics, machine learning, and devops; programming frameworks for parallel computing in the cloud; distributed storage in the cloud; Container management. Includes homeworks and programming assignments. The programming assignments will be done in AWS.

SCM 473X. War and Peace and Supply Chains . (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: SCM 301. Explore how supply chains do or do not support sustainable peace and human flourishing. Topics include how supply chain operations affect peace; how supply chains can be incentivized to encourage peace; how supply chain choices affect peace and what affects these choices; how supply chain certifications affect peace; tools available to supply chain managers to evaluate their decisions with regard to peace; and what business or supply chain models encourage peace.

SCM 540X. Enterprise Supply Chain Information Systems. (3-0) Cr. 3. The role of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in the supply chain. Hands-on experience with a major software application in use by many corporations to manage and improve the efficiency of their supply chain. Utilization of an ERP system to help students develop a more process-centric perspective about how a supply chain operates. Students will have the opportunity to use the SAP ERP software package on key processes that most ERP systems utilize (i.e., purchasing, MRP, forecasting, order fulfillment and pricing). Understanding the tactical and operational management of supply chains. Discussion of issues related to the creation of end-user value through supply chain cost reductions, service improvements, or both.

SOC 277X. Religion and Society. (Cross-listed with RELIG 277X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: SOC 134. Religion as a human construction, institution, activity, and identity. Connections between religion and other social institutions and processes.

SPAN 302AX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Tourism and Hospitality. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302BX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Health and Medicine. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302CX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Criminal Justice and the Law. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302DX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Agriculture. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302EX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Cultural Entrepreneurship. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302FX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Science and Technology. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302GX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals: Natural Sciences. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

SPAN 302JX. Mini-Modules for Global Professionals:Anthropology. (1-0). Cr. 1. Prereq: SPAN 202, SPAN 297, or placement by departmental exam. Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

STAT 523X. Analysis of Incomplete Data. (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F (offered in 2021). Prereq: STAT 543. Focus on the theory and methods for missing data analysis. Topics include maximum likelihood estimation under missing data, EM algorithm, Monte Carlo computation techniques, imputation, Bayesian approach, propensity scores, semi-parametric approach, and non-ignorable missing data.


THTRE 352X. Puppetry Design and Performance . (3-0) Cr. 3. Through hands-on explorations of puppet design, construction, performance techniques and traditions, students will investigate the intersection of material, design, movement, and sound that is inherent in the art of puppetry.

TOX 419X. Foodborne Hazards. (Cross-listed with FS HN 419X and MICRO 419X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: MICRO 201 or MICRO 302, a course in biochemistry. Pathogenesis of human microbiological foodborne infections and intoxications, principles of toxicology, major classes of toxicants in the food supply, governmental regulation of foodborne hazards.

TOX 444X. Aquatic Toxicology. (Dual-listed with A ECL 544X and TOX 544X; cross-listed with A ECL 444X). (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereqs: Graduate student status, or undergraduate status having declared a minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, or having completed BIOL 211 and BIOL 212. An overview of interactions between anthropogenic chemicals and aquatic ecosystems. Topics include history of aquatic toxicology, methods of toxicity testing, and species responses to toxicants. Emphasis is on aquatic pollutants of emerging concern (e.g., nanoparticles, microplastics). Offered on a satisfactory-fail grading basis only.

TOX 544X. Aquatic Toxicology. (Dual-listed with A ECL 444X and TOX 444X; cross-listed with A ECL 544X). (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereqs: Graduate student status, or undergraduate status having declared a minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, or having completed BIOL 211 and BIOL 212. An overview of interactions between anthropogenic chemicals and aquatic ecosystems. Topics include history of aquatic toxicology, methods of toxicity testing, and species responses to toxicants. Emphasis is on aquatic pollutants of emerging concern (e.g., nanoparticles, microplastics). Offered on a satisfactory-fail grading basis only.

TSM 449X. Applied Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. (Dual-listed with TSM 549X). (2-3) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: MATH 140; TSM 240 . Scientific principles and rationale for non-destructive testing and evaluation. Assessment of material condition and detection of defects in manufacturing or in service. Testing methods and their application to agriculture and industry. Research project required for graduate credit.

TSM 549X. Applied Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. (Dual-listed with TSM 449X). (2-3) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: MATH 140; TSM 240 . Scientific principles and rationale for non-destructive testing and evaluation. Assessment of material condition and detection of defects in manufacturing or in service. Testing methods and their application to agriculture and industry. Research project required for graduate credit.

TSM 579X. Advanced Topics in Safety Program Administration. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate classification. Exploration and analysis of principles, concepts, and techniques related to the administration of occupational safety programs. The focus will be on program continous improvement and enhancement in pursuit of the goal of zero workplace injuries.


US LS 360X. Latinas and Victimization. (Cross-listed with C J 360X). (3-0). Cr. 3. S. Intersections of race/ethnicity, class, gender, culture, acculturation, and immigration/migration in the victimization experiences of Latina women interacting with criminal justice systems and services. Topics include: domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking among Hispanic, Latina, and Chicana women, and the impact of language barriers, abuser threats of deportation, social and institutional discrimination and racism, cultural norms, and cultural insensitivity among first responders and service providers on help-seeking, well-being, and interactions with the criminal justice system.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.

US LS 351X. Introduction to Spanish-English Translation. (Cross-listed with LING 351, SPAN 351). ( 3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: SPAN 303A or SPAN 303B or SPAN 304. Introduction to the theory, methods, techniques, and problems of translation. Consideration of material from business, literature, and the social sciences. Taught in Spanish.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.


V C S 319X. Veterinary Military Practicum. Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. SS. Prereq: V C S 319X. Veterinary Military Practicum. Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S. SS. Prereq: Veterinary Medicine classification; enrollment in Iowa State veterinary curriculum; documented military obligation following graduation. Allows students to gain veterinary experience through military service.

V C S 320X. Veterinary Practicum. Cr. R. Repeatable. Prereq: Veterinary Medicine classification; enrollment in Iowa State veterinary curriculum. VCS 320X provides educational experiences for veterinary students to supplement traditional didactic and clinical training at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Satisfactory-Fail only.

V C S 459FX. Small Animal Overpopulation Medicine and Surgery: Capital City Humane Society, Lincoln, NE. Cr. 3.  Prereq: Fourth year classification in Veterinary Medicine. A 2-week surgical emphasis, elective rotation at a humane society that addresses the issues facing veterinarians and non-veterinary humane society personnel who deal with small animal overpopulation issues. Each section can be taken for credit once.

V C S 484X. Clinical Practice in Diverse Communities. Cr. 2. Prereq: Fourth-year classification in Veterinary Medicine. Two week rotation for fourth year veterinary students working with equine patients both in the hospital and field settings. This rotation includes a community service component, which will include lecture time on relevant topics and a veterinary service trip to the Crow Creek Tribal Reservation in Fort Thompson, SD. Five-day trip, providing experience in preparing, setting up, and running an equine and small animal veterinary clinic to serve the tribal community.

V PTH 403X. Inroduction to Pathology II. (Cross-listed with BIOL 403X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: V PTH 402/BIOL 402. Continuation of pathology topics begun in V PTH/BIOL VPTH 402. How specific organ systems respond to injury using principles and information covered in VPTH 402/ BIOL 402. Study of a set of prototypical diseases that affect humans and animals.

V PTH 476X. Clinical Veterinary Parasitology. Cr. 1-2. Repeatable. S.SS. Irr. Prereqs: V PTH 376, 4th year classification in Vet Med. Two week clinical rotation in clinical veterinary parasitology. Students will investigate parasitic disease with supervision of the instructors. Variable amount of travel to farm or sites will be required. Biosecurity: All students must follow current College policies regarding animal contact following foreign travel.

VDPAM 420E. Veterinary Entrepreneurship and Relationship Centered Medicine Preceptorship. Cr. 2. F.S.SS. Prereq: Fourth year classification in veterinary medicine. Preceptorship course in veterinary entrepreneurship and relationship centered medicine through effective communication. The course consists of 40 hours per week of clinic-based, formal training and experiential learning opportunities.

VDPAM 466X. Preceptorship in Animal Welfare. Cr. 1-6. F.S.SS. Repeatable. Prereq: Fourth year classification in veterinary medicine; permission of instructor. Preceptorship in animal welfare with emphasis on animal welfare assessment, policy and problem solving. Mentors include practicing veterinarians, researchers, and/or animal welfare organizations.

VDPAM 498X. Poultry Medicine. Cr. 2. SS. Prereq: VM4 students or by permission of instructor. Two-week senior elective to introduce students into poultry production medicine in the Midwest. Students will participate in routine flock monitoring, biosecurity reviews, disease investigations involving outbreaks in commercial and backyard poultry operations, and have a basic understanding of the poultry industry and poultry diseases. Involves didactic lectures in the classroom, field trips to poultry farms, and necropsies. This course requires students to do out-of-state travel and overnight stays.

VDPAM 562X. Applied Diagnostic Technologies and Medicine for Infectious Disease.  (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Enrolled in a graduate program. Introductory epidemiology and/or infectious disease course encouraged. Veterinary medicine background beneficial. Veterinary diagnostics and diagnostic medicine for infectious diseases in animal populations, mostly livestock, and clinical applications. Specific objectives include: understanding diagnostic process; mechanics of laboratory diagnostic methods; test development and validation; optimizing diagnostic outcomes; and applying diagnostic data to disease investigation and/or intervention. Additionally, students are expected to present a diagnostic relevant subject and participate in case review and discussion. On-line and can be asynchronous from time to time.

VDPAM 564X. Animal Welfare Science and Research . Cr. 3. S. Animal welfare is increasingly a key component of societal decisions about animal use, sustainable development and human-animal relationships. Understanding animal welfare as a scientific discipline, with primary focus on veterinary, biomedical and animal science disciplines. Explore fundamental and applied approaches to animal welfare science, including experimental design, data analysis and interpretation of results. Topics selected will reflect student interests, and may include animal welfare assessment and assurance, animal cognition, pain assessment and mitigation, and animal models used in biomedical research.

VDPAM 567X. Design, Implementation and Analysis of Field Studies in Food Animals. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: STAT 587 or equivalent; VDPAM 527 or VDPAM 529 or equivalent. Design of field trials to test hypotheses related to biological outcomes in food animal production. Topics include field trial designs and how-to implement these trials under field/commercial conditions; and how to calculate sample size given different type of outcomes and covers the proper statistical analyses, interpretation, and communication of the results. Invited speakers will share how they use field trials in their daily practice. Case studies.


WGS 410X. Human Trafficking. (Dual-list with WGS 510X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: WGS 201 or 3 credits in WGS or W S at the 300 level or above. Issues related to human trafficking and modern-day slavery in the US and world. History of and concepts defining forms of violence experienced by trafficking victims and methods used to recruit and control victims. Students will learn how to educate others about this crime against humanity. Examines international, federal, and state legislation to prevent human trafficking.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.

WGS 510X. Human Trafficking.  (Dual-list with WGS 410X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: WGS 201 or 3 credits in WGS or W S at the 300 level or above. Issues related to human trafficking and modern-day slavery in the US and world. History of and concepts defining forms of violence experienced by trafficking victims and methods used to recruit and control victims. Students will learn how to educate others about this crime against humanity. Examines international, federal, and state legislation to prevent human trafficking.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.

WISE 201X. Foundations in Development for Women* in STEM. (3-0) Cr 3. Foundation for developing skills and attitudes needed for responsible citizenship and complex problem solving in STEM. Exploration of experiences of diverse women* leaders in STEM fields. Development of an awareness that experiences in STEM cultures vary among women and intersecting identities and becoming open to diverse perspectives. Across multiple disciplinary perspectives in STEM, engagement with peers across STEM fields, development of community in small groups with peer leaders, and building of relationships with university leadership, industry professionals, and company executives.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.

WISE 307X. Women in Science and Engineering. (Cross-listed with BIOL 307, WGS 307) (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: 200 level course in science, engineering or women's studies; ENGL 250. The interrelationships of women and science and engineering examined from historical, sociological, philosophical, and biological perspectives. Factors contributing to under-representation; feminist critiques of science; examination of successful strategies. Does not satisfy biology major advanced credit requirements.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.


YTH 502X. Foundations of Positive Youth Development. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Repeatable. Fundamentals of positive youth development, theories, and principles utilized in the youth development profession. Ethical, professional, and historical elements of youth development as it has evolved toward professionalization.

YTH 570L. Contemporary Youth Issues: Mental Health. (3-0). Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. SS (offered 2021). Understand optimal mental health in youth and how it can be promoted. Current theories and research related to optimal mental health and how promoting positive development is both similar to and different from preventing negative outcomes. Learn to assess a given youth development program in terms of its potential to promote positive mental health.

YTH 570M. Contemporary Youth Issues: Working with Adolescents with Difficulties. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. SS (offered 2021). Examines cognitive, self, and social transitions during adolescence. Topics include issues of identity, society's understanding of adolescents, and how adolescents and their parents, siblings, peers, teachers, and society interact.

YTH 570N. Contemporary Youth Issues: Understanding Normative Behavior in Immigrant & Minority Youth. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. F. Explores the etiology of adolescent deviance using a positive, cross-national/crosscultural perspective. Includes implications of theory, empirical research, current prevention programs and needs assessments. Offers a look at deviance from different perspectives as well as a comparison of normative and non-normative development of youth.

YTH 570P. Contemporary Youth Issues: Youth, Families & Technology. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. SS (offered 2021). Understand the interconnectedness of technology and youth/family. Formulate constructive and realistic strategies to enrich the life of a family or a youth in a society heavily dependent on technology. Topics of the course include identity formation, privacy, race, class, gender, subculture, risky behavior, policing, education, globalization, health, and policies.

YTH 570R. Contemporary Youth Issues: Sports, Youth and Society. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. SS (offered 2020). Examination of how sports and society helps us better understand what we value, how we become who we are, and how we may be able to realize social justice in a larger social context.

YTH 570T. Contemporary Youth Issues: Systems of Care for Youth at Risk. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. S (offered 2021). Issues faced by youth today and associated risk and resiliency factors. A different topic will be presented each year, with the course rotating among participating universities. Topics have included Adolescent Health and Sexuality, Systems of Care for Youth at Risk, Mental Health, Immigrant and Minority Youth, Sports, Technology, etc. The course may be taken more than once, as long as the content is different each time.

YTH 570U. Contemporary Youth Issues: Adolescent Health & Sexuality. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. F. Issues faced by youth today and associated risk and resiliency factors. A different topic will be presented each year, with the course rotating among participating universities. Topics have included Adolescent Health and Sexuality, Systems of Care for Youth at Risk, Mental Health, Immigrant and Minority Youth, Sports, Technology, etc. The course may be taken more than once, as long as the content is different each time.