Individuals Involved with Separations

Student: Separations must be requested by the student, or in cases where the student is not available by someone who is legally authorized to request on behalf of the student.

College Official: An employee within the Academic Affairs Division with signature authority to process a student’s request for standard separation.  Depending on College policies, College Officials may include Academic Advisors, College Student Services staff, and Major Professors.

University Tuition Appeal Committee: Committee charged with reviewing and making a centralized university decision regarding tuition appeals. All tuition refund requests are received and initially reviewed by the Office of the Registrar. Students have the right to appeal the decision to the University Tuition Appeal Committee, who will determine what (if any) tuition and fee refund may be appropriate based on the student’s extenuating circumstances.

Withdrawal Consultation Committee (MCC):  This committee is charged with making decisions regarding University Initiated Separations.  The committee may also be consulted on requests to return from medical separation pursuant to this policy. The Withdrawal Consultation Committee has three members consisting of the Director of Student Health (or designee), the Director of the Student Counseling Service (or designee), and is chaired by the Dean of Students (or designee). If a member is unable to participate in a MCC meeting, that member shall designate a replacement from his or her unit to participate for a specific case being heard by the MCC.

Out of Term Separation Committee: This centralized university level committee is charged with authorizing a student’s request to separate from a prior term. Utilizing a holistic approach, this committee will consider all aspects of the student’s request for out of term separation. The Out of Term Separation Committee is comprised of representatives from the College Student Services Directors, Office of Student Financial Aid, the Dean of Students Office; Thielen Student Health Center, Accounts Receivable, Student Counseling Services, and the Office of the Registrar.

Office of Student Conduct: The office within the Dean of Students Office that is responsible for administering the Student Disciplinary Regulations and responding to student behavior that violates these standards.

Office of Student Assistance: The office within the Dean of Students Office that is responsible for responding to student behavior that is of concern but may not be a conduct violation, and providing assistance to ISU students and families navigating the challenges students may encounter while at Iowa State University.

Student Assistance Follow-up and Evaluation Team (SAFE-T): An interdisciplinary team of trained professionals who meet regularly to monitor student behavior, assess threat, and develop appropriate intervention plans. SAFE-T is coordinated by the Dean of Students Office and includes experts from ISU Police, Student Counseling Services, Thielen Student Health Center, the Department of Residence, and other campus partners. In addition to referring students to the University Initiated Separation (UIW) process, SAFE-T is a resource to the Withdrawal Consultation Committee.