2022-2023 U.S. Diversity List

U.S. Diversity Requirement

The following courses from the 2022-23 catalog are approved for the U.S. Diversity Requirement for students on the 2022 catalog and prior. 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

A M D 165 Dress and Diversity in Society. Cr. 3.

AESHM 342 Aesthetics of Consumer Experience. Cr. 3.

AF AM 201 Introduction to African American Studies. Cr. 3.
AF AM 327X Strategies of Resistance: From Slavery to Hip-Hop & Black Lives Matter. 3 Cr.
AF AM 330 Ethnic and Race Relations. Cr. 3.
AF AM 334 African American Religious Experience. Cr. 3.
AF AM 335 Race, Ethnicity, and the US Criminal Justice System. Cr. 3.
AF AM 347 Studies in African American Literature. Cr. 3.
AF AM 350 Women of Color in the U.S. Cr. 3.
AF AM 353 History of African Americans I. Cr. 3. 
AF AM 354 History of African Americans II. Cr. 3. 
AF AM 460 Seminar in African American Culture. Cr. 3. 
AF AM 473 Civil Rights and Ethnic Power. Cr. 3. 

AM IN 201 Native People in American Culture. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 205 American Indians in the Movies. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 210 Introduction to American Indian Studies. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 225 American Indians of Iowa. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 240 Introduction to American Indian Literature. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 311 Federal Indian Law and Policy. Cr. 3.
AM IN 312 American Indian Education. Cr. 3.
AM IN 313 Native Land, Water, and Resources. Cr. 3.
AM IN 315 Archaeology of North America. Cr. 3.
AM IN 318X Women and Gender in Native Societies. Cr. 3.
AM IN 320 Great Plains Archaeology. Cr. 3.
AM IN 322 Peoples and Cultures of Native North America. Cr. 3.
AM IN 324 Health and Native American Communities. Cr. 3.
AM IN 327X Native American Agriculture. Cr. 3.
AM IN 332A Current Issues in Native North America: Gender and Family. Cr. 3.
AM IN 332B Current Issues in Native North America: Indigenous Ecologies and Geographies. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 332C Current Issues in Native North America: Cultural and Political Movements. Cr. 3.
AM IN 332D Current Issues in Native North America: Regional Focus. Cr. 3.
AM IN 346 American Indian Literature. Cr. 3.
AM IN 426 Topics in Native American Architecture. Cr. 3.
AM IN 532A Current Issues in Native North America: Gender and Family. Cr. 3.
AM IN 532B Current Issues in Native North America: Indigenous Ecologies and Geographies. Cr. 3. 
AM IN 532C Current Issues in Native North America: Cultural and Political Movements. Cr. 3.
AM IN 532D Current Issues in Native North America: Regional Focus. Cr. 3.

ANTHR 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 225 American Indians of Iowa. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 315 Archaeology of North America. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 320 Great Plains Archaeology. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 322 Peoples and Cultures of Native North America. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 324 Health and Native American Communities. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 332A Current Issues in Native North America: Gender and Family. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 332B Current Issues in Native North America: Indigenous Ecologies and Geographies. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 332C Current Issues in Native North America: Cultural and Political Movements. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 332D Current Issues in Native North America: Regional Focus. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 515 Archaeology of North America. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 520 Great Plains Archaeology. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 532A Current Issues in Native North America: Gender and Family. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 532B Current Issues in Native North America: Indigenous Ecologies and Geographies. Cr. 3. 
ANTHR 532C Current Issues in Native North America: Cultural and Political Movements. Cr. 3.
ANTHR 532D Current Issues in Native North America: Regional Focus. Cr. 3.

ARCH 321 History of the American City. Cr. 3.
ARCH 420 Topics in American Architecture. Cr. 3.
ARCH 426 Topics in Native American Architecture. Cr. 3.
ARCH 571 Design for All People. Cr. 3.

ART H 292 Introduction to Visual Culture Studies. Cr. 3.
ART H 386 American Art to 1945. Cr. 3.
ART H 395 Art and Theory Since 1945. Cr. 3.
ART H 494 Women/Gender in Art. Cr. 3.

ARTGR 388 Graphic Design History/Theory/ Criticism II. Cr. 3. 
ARTGR 588 Graphic Design History/Theory/ Criticism II. Cr. 3. 

ARTID 463 Environments for the Aging. Cr. 3.

ASL 101 American Sign Language I. Cr. 4.
ASL 102 American Sign Language II. Cr. 4.
ASL 107 Introduction to the Deaf-World. Cr. 1.
ASL 275 Topics in Deaf Culture. Cr. 3.
ASL 325 Deaf Peoples: Pre-World War II. Cr. 3.

BIOL 307 Women in Science and Engineering. Cr. 3.

CJ ST 335 Race, Ethnicity, and the US Criminal Justice System. Cr. 3.
CJ ST 339 Liberty and Law in America. Cr. 3.
CJ ST 360 Latinas and Victimization. Cr. 3.

C R P 201 The North American Metropolis. Cr. 3.

CMDIS 286 Communicating with the Deaf. Cr. 3.

COMST 210 Communication and U.S. Diversity. Cr. 3.

DSN S 145 Diversity in Art. Cr. 1.
DSN S 445 Public Art/Public Space. Cr. 3.

E C P 322 Diversity in the Lives of Young Children and Families. Cr. 3.

ECON 321 Economics of Discrimination. Cr. 3.

EDUC 405 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Early Childhood and Elementary. Cr. 3.
EDUC 406 Multicultural Foundations of School and Society: Introduction. Cr. 3.
EDUC 422 Teaching and Learning in Iowa History. Cr. 3.
EDUC 450 Ethnicity and Learning. Cr. 3.
EDUC 522 Teaching and Learning in Iowa History. Cr. 3.
EDUC 550 Ethnicity and Learning. Cr. 3.

ENGL 240 Introduction to American Indian Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 319 Studies in Language and Diversity. Cr. 3.
ENGL 340 Women's Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 344 U.S. Latino/a Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 345 Women and Literature: Selected Topics. Cr. 3.
ENGL 346 American Indian Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 347 Studies in African American Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 349 Topics in Multicultural Literatures of the United States. Cr. 3.
ENGL 352 Gay and Lesbian Literature. Cr. 3.
ENGL 377X Latina/o/x Life Stories: Memoirs and Oral History. Cr. 3.
ENGL 422 Women, Men, and the English Language. Cr. 3.

ENV S 320 Ecofeminism. Cr. 3.

FS HN 220 American Food and Culture. Cr. 3.
FS HN 242 The US Food System. Cr. 3.
FS HN 463 Community Nutrition. Cr. 3.

GERON 377 Aging and the Family. Cr. 3.
GERON 378 Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits. Cr. 3.
GERON 463 Environments for the Aging. Cr. 3.
GERON 563 Environments for the Aging. Cr. 3.
GERON 571 Design for All People. Cr. 3.

GLOBE 330 Global Health Disparities. Cr. 3.
GLOBE 494C Service Learning: U.S. Diversity Project. Cr. 3.

H S 167X The Science of Health Behavior Change. Cr. 3.

H SCI 150 Dialogues on Diversity. Cr. 1.

HD FS 239 Housing and Consumer Issues. Cr. 3.
HD FS 240 Literature for Children. Cr. 3.
HD FS 249 Parenting and Family Diversity Issues. Cr. 3.
HD FS 270 Family Communications and Relationships. Cr. 3.
HD FS 276 Human Sexuality. Cr. 3.
HD FS 283 Personal and Family Finance. Cr. 3.
HD FS 360 Housing and Services for Families and Children. Cr. 3.
HD FS 377 Aging and the Family. Cr. 3.
HD FS 378 Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits. Cr. 3.
HD FS 463 Environments for the Aging. Cr. 3.
HD FS 563 Environments for the Aging. Cr. 3.

HIST 353 History of African Americans I. Cr. 3.
HIST 354 History of African Americans II. Cr. 3.
HIST 371 Mexican American History. Cr. 3.
HIST 372 Latina/o History. Cr. 3.
HIST 380 History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine. Cr. 3.
HIST 386 History of Women in America. Cr. 3.
HIST 473 Civil Rights and Ethnic Power. Cr. 3.

Honors Seminars approved by semester

HON 321B Are You What You Eat? Cr.1.
HON 321E Religion and Spirituality in Popular Music. Cr. 1.
HON 321K Is That Legal? An Introduction to U.S. Law. Cr. 2.
HON 321Q Floods: History, Challenge, and Opportunity. Cr. 2. 
HON 321T Mil to Civ: The Experience of Post-9/11 Veterans Returning to Civilian Life. Cr. 1. 
HON 321Z Fashion Museums and Social Justice. Cr. 1. 
HON 322A Refugees Welcome? U.S. Refugee Resettlement and Integration. Cr. 1. 
HON 322R Fashion Museums and Social Justice. Cr. 1. 
HON 322W The Future of Reproductive Rights in America. Cr. 2. 
HON 323A Archives Investigations: Examining Race and Ethnicity. Cr. 2. 
HON 323D Introduction to Human Trafficking. Cr. 2. 
HON 324A Moving Past Bodice Ripping to Shredding the Patriarchy: Romance Novels as Tools for Justice. Cr. 1.

IND D 250 Activity-Centered Industrial Design . Cr. 3.
IND D 280 History of Industrial Design I. Cr. 3.

JL MC 477 Ethnicity, Gender, Class and the Media. Cr. 3.

KIN 360 Sociology of Physical Activity and Health. Cr. 3.

L A 171 City Play!. Cr. 3.
L A 272 Cultural Landscape Studies. Cr. 3.
L A 274 The Social and Behavioral Landscape. Cr. 3.

LAS 291B Service Learning: U.S. Diversity Project. Cr. 1-4.
LAS 491B Service Learning: U.S. Diversity Project. Cr. 1-4.

LD ST 291B Leading Through Service Learning: U.S. Diversity. Cr. 1-4.
LD ST 322 Leadership Styles and Strategies in a Diverse Society. Cr. 3.
LD ST 333 Women and Leadership. Cr. 3.

LING 286 Communicating with the Deaf. Cr. 3.
LING 319 Studies in Language and Diversity. Cr. 3.
LING 422 Women, Men, and the English Language. Cr. 3.

MAT E 391 Introduction to US Women's roles in Industry and Preparation for Summer Study. Cr. 3.

MGMT 472 Management of Diversity. Cr. 3.

MUSIC 304 History of American Rock 'n' Roll. Cr. 3.
MUSIC 472 History of American Music. Cr. 3.

NREM 313 Native Land, Water, and Resources. Cr. 3.

NRS 440 Population and Community Health. Cr. 3.

PHIL 235 Ethical Issues in A Diverse Society. Cr. 3.
PHIL 338 Feminist Philosophy. Cr. 3.
PHIL 339 Liberty and Law in America. Cr. 3.

POL S 333 Democracy and Diversity in America. Cr. 3.
POL S 339 Liberty and Law in America. Cr. 3.
POL S 353 Immigration Policy. Cr. 3. 
POL S 385 Women in Politics. Cr. 3.

PSYCH 346 Psychology of Women. Cr. 3.
PSYCH 379X Psychology of Sexual Orientation. Cr. 3.
PSYCH 347 U.S. Latino/a Psychology. Cr. 3.

RELIG 210 Religion in America. Cr. 3.
RELIG 328 Native American Religions. Cr. 3.
RELIG 334 African American Religious Experience. Cr. 3.
RELIG 336 Women and Religion. Cr. 3.
RELIG 342 Religion and U.S. Latino/a Literature. Cr. 3.
RELIG 380 Catholic Social Thought. Cr. 3.

SOC 235 Social Problems and American Values. Cr. 3.
SOC 327 Sex and Gender in Society. Cr. 3.
SOC 328 Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood. Cr. 3.
SOC 330 Ethnic and Race Relations. Cr. 3.
SOC 331 Social Class and Inequality. Cr. 3.
SOC 332 The Latino/Latina Experience in U.S. Society. Cr. 3.
SOC 350 Women in Agriculture and the Food System. Cr. 3.
SOC 410 Human Trafficking. Cr. 3.
SOC 510 Human Trafficking. Cr. 3.

SP CM 216 Great Speakers and Speeches. Cr. 3.
SP CM 323 Gender and Communication. Cr. 3.

SPAN 305 Spanish for Heritage Speakers. Cr. 3.
SPAN 325 Culture and Community: Iowa and Midwest Latino/as. Cr. 3.
SPAN 377X Latina/o/x Life Stories: Memoirs and Oral History. Cr. 3.

U ST 101B First Year Seminar I: MVP Award. Cr. 1.
U ST 102A First Year Seminar II: MVP Award. Cr. 1.
U ST 105 Carver Academy Seminar: Freshmen. Cr. 1.
U ST 106 Carver Academy Seminar: Freshmen. Cr. 1.
U ST 205 Carver Academy Seminar: Peer Mentors. Cr. 1.
U ST 321 NCORE Scholars: Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. Cr. 3.

US LS 211 Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies. Cr. 3. 
US LS 305 Spanish for Heritage Speakers. Cr. 3.
US LS 325 Cuture and Community: Iowa and Midwest Latino/as. Cr. 3.
US LS 342 Religion and U.S. Latino/a Literature. Cr. 3.
US LS 347 U.S. Latino/a Psychology. Cr. 3.
US LS 360 Latinas and Victimization. Cr. 3.
US LS 371 Mexican American History. Cr. 3.
US LS 372 Latina/o History. Cr. 3.
US LS 377X Latina/o/x Life Stories: Memoirs and Oral History. Cr. 3.
US LS 473 Civil Rights and Ethnic Power. Cr. 3.

WGS 160 Gender Justice. Cr. 1.
WGS 201 Introduction to Women's Studies. Cr. 3. 
WGS 201H Introduction to Women's Studies, Honors. Cr. 3.
WGS 203 Introduction to Lesbian Studies. Cr. 3. 
WGS 205 Introduction to Queer Studies. Cr. 3.
WGS 210 Gender and Sexuality in American Pop Culture. Cr. 3.
WGS 307 Women in Science and Engineering. Cr. 3.
WGS 320 Ecofeminism. Cr. 3.
WGS 321 Economics of Discrimination. Cr. 3.
WGS 323 Gender and Communication. Cr. 3.
WGS 325 Portrayals of Gender and Sexualities in the Media. Cr. 3.
WGS 327 Sex and Gender in Society. Cr. 3.
WGS 328 Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood. Cr. 3.
WGS 333 Women and Leadership. Cr. 3.
WGS 336 Women and Religion. Cr. 3.
WGS 338 Feminist Philosophy. Cr. 3.
WGS 340 Women's Literature. Cr. 3.
WGS 345 Women and Literature: Selected Topics. Cr. 3. 
WGS 346 Psychology of Women. Cr. 3.
WGS 379X Psychology of Sexual Orientation. Cr. 3.
WGS 350 Women of Color in the U.S. Cr. 3.
WGS 352 Gay and Lesbian Literature. Cr. 3.
WGS 380 History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine. Cr. 3.
WGS 385 Women in Politics. Cr. 3.
WGS 386 History of Women in America. Cr. 3.
WGS 410 Human Trafficking. Cr. 3.
WGS 422 Women, Men, and the English Language. Cr. 3.
WGS 494 Women/Gender in Art. Cr. 3.
WGS 510 Human Trafficking. Cr. 3.

WISE 201X Foundations in Development for Women* in STEM. Cr. 3.
WISE 307 Women in Science and Engineering. Cr. 3.

WLC 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies. Cr. 3.

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