Early Degree Audit Review Dates (Summer 2024)

Early Degree Audit Review Dates 

E-reports listing advisees who have submitted an application for graduation and their current graduation status will run as follows.

  1. Approximately 3-4 weeks before the term of graduation (DegAdt Ugrad Early Grad Review)
  2. The night of the 5th day of classes Spring and Fall semesters and the night of the 11th day of classes Summer Semester (DegAdt Ugrad Cur Sem Grad Sr Lst)

The e-report will list students who have applied for graduation and will indicate one of the following:

  1. All Requirements Met
  2. At Least One Requirement Has Not Been Met

Summer Semester 2024:

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024: E-report DegAdt Ugrad Early Grad Review will be available for advisors in AccessPlus
    • Advisors will need to submit exceptions/updates to college office before Friday, May 24, 2024.
    • College Offices will need to complete degree audit changes before the night of Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024: E-report DegAdt Ugrad Cur Sem Grad Sr Lst will be available to advisors. This report will contain updated information.

Information on How to Access E-report:

  • Go to Advisor Early Degree Audit Review for Graduating Seniors under Graduation Information for Advisors